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Thumbnailig for quick concept creation

“Thumbnailing for quick concept creation” by Raymon Brugman
I think we all know the feeling of when we want to start drawing something or just letting out our creativity, and then you’re just blank, staring at a white paper, or white screen. recommendation:

To maximise the realism of your CG projects we recommend to use high quality photo references from the #1 references website

Well it happened to me sometimes and it’s just very annoying, but then I discovered thumbnailing. For those who don’t know what thumbnailing is or have never used it I’ll give a small explanation, and then we get started.

Thumbnailing is really not more then having a piece blank piece of paper, where you make lots of little small drawings, they don’t have to be detailed that’s the coolest thing, they only need to tell you how the picture is going to be. Thumbnails are often made when working on a idea in your mind, and you don’t really know what you want to do with it. Or just some things you could work out later…

Some examples of what I did during those boring hours in the train on my way to school. The thumbnails from the picture above are about 2 inch, and the one on the left about 1 inch. When I’m thumbnailing I really like to work very small, so you can do allot of them in a couple of minutes.
So that’s basically what thumbnailing is all about. As you see it doesn’t matter which material you use, whether it is marker, like the one above, or pen, or digital, it doesn’t matter, it’s all the same principle.
So these are pretty old examples, done with analog materials. But for this tutorial I’d like to go digital, which I must say gives you a little more freedom; at least that’s what I think. My preference is to work with a tablet and Photoshop cs2, but Painter can be nice to, it’s just what you prefer.
So let’s get started. When I’m thumbnailing I usually don’t really think of what I want to draw, I just get my materials, and then draw myself a frame, and just start filling it in, pretty random actually. When I’m drawing in this frame, I’m usually looking for shapes, or something that could be part of the composition. Then usually an image in my head starts to form of how to continue with this thumbnail, and that’s pretty much the whole process for a thumbnail. But I will go through it again step by step with some, beginning with some very basic concepting, to a scene with some evening mood to it, so don’t worry if you didn’t understand it.

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