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Thumbnailig for quick concept creation

“Thumbnailing for quick concept creation” by Raymon Brugman
So lets get started…
So here we have the blank frame, or tile.

At this point I don’t know what to draw so I just started out with this simple horizon line.

Added a line vertical, and now an idea is coming

Added some more lines and yes the idea is starting to grow…

You see? Now I’ll add some finishing touches to it…

Well this is the end result. And remember, I hadn’t had a clue what to draw, and it only took me around 3 minutes. This picture doesn’t tell you much and shouldn’t be seen as a final artwork, but its enough to give me a sense of what’s going on in that picture. When on a day I have no clue what to draw, I can always work out some thumbnails I have lying around. And I think you now see why digital has much potential for thumbnailing, but like I said, digital isn’t always an option; well at least I haven’t got a laptop and a tablet so I can do it digital in the train.

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