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“Tainted” by Shreya Shetty

I increased the darkness around the eyes and added highlights to the cheeks to make the eye recede even more. At this point I’m still a little unsure of the angle the Pierrot is standing in. I’ve also been making tiny adjustments to the face. A soft highlight just besides the lower lip adds a little pout. I’ve also added bluish highlights to the wet parts of the flowing mascara; it seems to add to the realism.

Ah, I finally painted the black tear! It’s one of the features of a pierrot thought I’d keep it opaque, but it looks really stark against the skin. The mascara trail was easy to paint – I just darkened the edges a little bit to show the residue there while the centre was washed out. I erased the eyebrow too and changed the form of the eye socket a bit to make it look like a slight frown.

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