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King Kong – part 2

“King Kong – part 2. ” by Dan LuVisi
Hello and welcome to Part II of the King Kong Tutorial. Now that you’re feet are wet and you’re ready to move on, let’s finish the beast himself. In this part, I won’t explain how to completely finish him, but I will teach you the basics to the point where if you know your way around it, you can finish it with ease. I wouldn’t let you guys down! Let’s just recap on what we need to learn here so you’re prepared. We’re going to first start off with how to draw hair, it can be an easy task if one has the patience, or you might want to throw your Wacom tablet out a window if you don’t, but I think I found an easy way to get it done minus the stress. After that, I will go into how to render his chest which is a very easy and quick step as long as you have the right tools. Once that is done with, I will then lead you through the rendering of Kong’s hand/two fingers. So let’s begin with Part II of the King Kong tutorial! recommendation:

To maximise the realism of your 3D creatures we recommend to use high quality animal photo references from the #1 texture website

Starting Kong’s Hair, Step 1: Patches:
Ok now when I first started to paint hair I was a bit bewildered by how hard it could get, but I found a way to cheat the system. Cool thing is, you’re not really cheating because it’s still all your own work! You might be wondering what I’m talking about, so let’s bid my nonsense a due and get on with what we need to get done. As you can see in the image,

there is a basic flat color of black underneath Kong’s muscled face. Do that all underneath your original line art so you can have a basic reference for what you’re about to detail over. Think of it as coloring in the lines, but doing a hell of a lot more to it. Once you have that finished and color in start to patch in strokes of color that will obviously be, well, before I get into this let me make it easier. What you’re going to be doing is, think of it as a pizza. You have your dough, then your toppings, but all the toppings are the same. First you lay down your basic color, apply the first topping (which will be the first rendered hair) then we use that a lot and move on. So back to the details, hopefully that cleared up my ramblings. So once you have your black layer, again, create patches of colors over Kong’s face

In the image you can see I started with one next to his lip, just basic strokes with a hard brush of certain fur colors. As you can see in the image I have also not done it all over the head, it’s not a necessary but it helps in a mental way, you feel as if the picture is coming more to life with a full array of color on Kong’s fury body, rather than a block of black. It’s up to you really. Anyways, as you start to block in make sure you hit your light sources with the blobs of color. Remember a light source is hitting them from their right, so that means on their left it’s going to be cool colors such as blues and black. After you have finished putting in those blocks of colors, you can then start to move on to the next part, which would be individually drawing each string of hair.

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