Terrain Texturing Tutorial by Raymon Brugman

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Very nice video. Useful and informative.
I really suggest everyone watching this video.
I don’t think anyone in the industry works in the same way, we all have different likes and being different from what majority does, doesnt make it bad. Instead, its a good think that he presents his workflow since other ppl may like it more than other workflows.
Why shouldn’t he play some music? You are denying him to play it on his own tutorial xxaxaxa. 10x for the tutorial Raymon very nice work 🙂 Don’t listen jerks and their opinion on how to do things right.Play music on every tutorial man!! :)) Fools always try to stand up like this.
Never play music when recording a tutorial. Other than that, good stuff. Thanks
@ T evans…
Yes i’m sorry about the music… :P. I just like having my music on whilst working. Shouldnt have done it for the tutorial…
Kind Regards
Hi Peter,
My point of vieuw:
If you don’t like it, dont use it ;)…
I was rusty, as 3d is not my main thing anymore, and do it mainly as a hobby. But i do like sharing some things.
No need to leave flaming comments…
Kind Regards
@ Peter…
Whats you’re problem?
Kind Regards
Sorry for my comment.
I´ve also comment the modeling tutorial and have to do also at this one too.
h sorry,
but please first of all, you should learn Maya.
Nobody in the industrie use a workflow like you.
It´s fine to share knowledge in this industrie but first you have to have knowledge and not only half knowledge and do like a pro.
Its counterproductive to learn stuff like maya in this way because its the wrong way.
Sorry for this stiff comment
Nice! I am new to the shader system. Seems like a neat and handy tool there! I think your tutorial is a bit luxurious in both time and technique and as for the music. Well its your tutorial you can add whatever music you please.
nice ,,,
Please don’t play music during a tutorial. Otherwise liked the process & the technique!