Creating landscape – tutorial by Raymon Brugman

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Nice and helpful.
note:industry experienced,productive,full knowledged persons are requested to do the same stuff in right method.we are eager to see.
Am inteterested in learning Maya and Max. How do I go about it . I actually want to learn 3d Modelling, rendering and animation. Somebody help me please.
Right now I’m trying to learn the basics of 3D modeling using the Daz suite of software. I do have a copy of Maya and plan to get into it next.
So I also say, “Dank’ Raymon!” I’ve saved this tutorial to my HD for future use.
gaand mara lo lodon.
hey good work buddy i really appreciate your hard work done after long time coming back to Maya i know how its hard to get back while you are rusty or away for a course of time,
i am away too from Maya and 3ds Max you could find my tutorials by searching my name Aziz Khan in google or here in this site, i have done many tutorials for the 3d community, now i am rusty and want to get back in so i hope i could come with allot of nice and helpful tutorials.
special regards for Marek if you are still around 🙂
Yes I was rusty, after about a year of not using maya. But hey at least i’m trying to give back some knowledge the 3d community gave to me…
If you don’t like it, then simple don’t watch/use it…
I’m not even going to argue. Cause there are people out there that did like it. Even though the recording was a little noobish.
Kind Regards
What’s wrong with people who can’t appreciate the simple fact that good people like Raymon Brugman are taking the time to do something helpful while expecting nothing in return. Peter for example did not pay a penny for this tutorial and all he had to do is either close the page or just leave a neutral comment of an alternative way of doing the same thing. Why did God create jerks?
whoever said that obviously needs to put something down in order for
everyone to believe
Peter,i really want to learn maya…and from what you said tutorials do not help that much.please help me…where should i start so i can be like a pro later on.please help me
Oh sorry,
but please first of all, you should learn Maya.
Nobody in the industrie use a workflow like you.
It´s fine to share knowledge in this industrie but first you have to have knowledge and not only half knowledge and do like a pro.
Its counterproductive to learn stuff like maya in this way because its the wrong way.
Sorry for this stiff comment