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Secrets of Swimsuit Babe

“The secrets of Swimsuit babe ” by CGriders
The three textures are connected to the first three layers in mix8layer and the opacity of second and third layers are controlled by two checker textures so as to exclude other layers. Although it is convenient to put textures into the network without combining them in Photoshop, there’s a cost to pay because this network will take time to calculate during rendering.
Lastly, the resolution of the light map texture is driven by an expression as they depends on the resolution of the output image. The expression is shown below:
mentalrayTexture1.miWidth = defaultResolution.width * 2;
mentalrayTexture1.miHeight = defaultResolution.height;
Specular and Rim Reflection
I’ve found the specular calculated by sss fast skin make the skin look too waxy and its reflection doesn’t seem to be correct. They also take so long to render that it’s wasting time to experiment. So they’re rendered in separate passes with different shaders and are tuned in Shake.
For specular, create a blinn, turn off its diffuse and reflection, connect a texture to the specular color channel and you’re done. The color is shown in Fig. 4.2.3. Rim reflection is due to fresnel effect. It cannot be faked with facting ratio. So the ctrl_fresnel shader was used to produce this effect. (Refer section 6.3 for download URL.) But the rendered reflection must be adjusted significantly in Shake as its edge adjacent to the skin is quite sharp.
A procedural shader is used to texture the eyes and it involved the sss fast simple shader for the whites in the eyeball. There’s a trick which casts an artificial shadow over the top of the eyes by projecting a ramp using a projection node. It is connected to the diffuse channel in the sss fast simple shader and multiplied with the shader representing iris. The following figure shows how the shading network looks like:

Fig. 4.2.6 Eye’s shading network
The lips require special treatment as they’re very different from the skin due to their reflective nature. The anisotropic shader is good at producing this kind of reflection. It is connected to the first layer in a mix8layer whose base layer is just black. A mask for the lips is required to apply to the opacity channel of the first layer so as to exclude surfaces outside the lips, as shown below:

Fig. 4.2.7 Lips’ shading network


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