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Making of ruins

“Making of ruins” by Lukasz Szeflinski
My main tool for modeling was 3dsmax 9. I have made some short movie captures of the scene so you can have a better look at how it looked like. The first rough model looked like that: click hereI mainly used basic polymodeling for all the objects and render spline for the hose and metal bars (sometimes sweep modifier). I was modeling and mapping basic things at the same time. I am always trying to use rendeable spline or sweep modifier on splines if there are any object that can be created with it. This is the best way to have things under control and it saves a lot of time.

When creating metal wire cables I started from creating the section of all 6 wires that are a part of the whole cable and a path. Then I applied Loft modifier and turned on Twist in Loft. It’s important to remember that the path not only should have its starting and ending points but it should also be divided into sections/units. Otherwise, when using Twist in Loft for example, we might have problems because the twist will not look evenly spaced. It will twist more at the beginning and less at the end. The problem can be avoided by dividing the path into sections/units. Here’s a short movie showing you how I did it: click here


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One comment

  1. Samuel toziz /

    shit this is awesome!!!!

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