“Dynamic clothes” by John Johnson
Now you can select the options for collision. Make sure the “Drape from Zero-Pose” is checked, and Ignore head and feet collisions are checked. I left the hand collisions unchecked so I can simulate her hands touching the cloth if I wanted to.
The dials are for various collision settings. 99% of the time, they can be left at default. If you wish to know what they are for, read the manual. 😉
Once you have the Collide Against settings done, you can edit the various “Groups”. The main group you will work with is the Constrained Group. Each of the four special groups effect the selected vertices in different ways. The Constrained Group will not allow the simulation to effect the vertices that are in this group. If you don’t want a part of your clothing prop to be effected by gravity, wind, or stretching, put them in this group.
This is a rather difficult process to master. Be patient and make sure you select the vertices you want…and no others.
I don’t want the armbands to move so I’ve selected the vertices in them. Move around the model to select the vertices from different sides, or use the front/back/left/right cameras to view each side.
I also selected the top of the skirt and the collar. I didn’t need to since they fit the model really well, but I wanted to see how it would look. It is up to you if you want to or not. Лицензионные игры на сайте клуба Fresh Casino представлены в широком ассортименте. Здесь вы найдете различные варианты эмуляторов и настольных игр классического образца, а также инновационные разработки, только недавно вышедшие на рынок гейм-индустрии.
The next step will select a pose to animate the cloth with. Set your timeline to frame 10 (1). This will make the figure stop moving and still give the simulation time to “settle” as it calculates out to 15 frames. Open the Pose Library (2). Click the Figure (the girl)! Apply a pose to her (3).
Dynamic clothes
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I am always looking for modeling with hexagon into poser thanks for the Tut. I would like to see more of the same,expecially tunics etc.