Step 7
Let’s build the stage for our cubes to create realistic lighting and add objects of reflection. Add a Disk object, rotate on Z axis it slightly (Rotate Tool (R)) and increase the size (Scale Tool (T)). In order to have more reflection, I added two more drive on both sides of the cubes. To quickly duplicate the object hold Cmd/Ctrl and use Move Tool (E).
Step 8
Create a new material (Create > Material > New Material). Uncheck all and mark “Luminance”. Leave the white color and move this material on Disk object. This creates white reflection on the cubes (which is something like a soft box). In Object Manager add a Compositing Tag (Compositing) (Tags > Cinema 4D Tags > Compositing) to a Disk object. In tab “Tag” uncheck “Seen by Camera”. Now when you render a picture you will not see the disk, but it will affect the objects. Press several times the upper button next to the object until it becomes red. So you hide the object from Viewport.
Step 9
Add a light source and floor. Go to Create > Light > Light. With Move Tool (E) move up the lamp to illuminate cubes. You can use more light sources on the scene, if you want to light all the cubes. Go to Create > Environment > Floor. With Move Tool (E) move it down a little. Change Visible in Render to Off (In Attribute Manager). Also add a Compositing Tag with uncheck “Seen by Camera”.
Step 10
Cubes will be reflected from each other, but this is not enough. Select Cube, Cloner and Random in Object Manager. Press Cmd/Ctrl + C (Edit > Copy) and paste it (Cmd/Ctrl + V or Edit > Paste). While the objects are selected press Opt/Alt + G to group it to Null Object. You can increase cloud of cubes or create one or a few copies and move them near the main cubes, so you get a more interesting reflection (most importantly do not overdo it otherwise reflections turn into a black spot). Add a Compositing Tag to a Null Object and uncheck “Seen by Camera”.
Add a Camera object (Create > Camera > Camera). It is now active (it says white icon near the camera). Change view in Viewport, pick an interesting perspective for cubes (make sure that most of the blocks were individually and not cut and giving the impression of porridge).
Step 11
Before you can create a full picture we need to adjust Render Settings. Go to Render > Edit Render Settings… In the dialog box setup on Output Width: 3
000, Height: 3000, Resolution: 200 pixels/inch (DPI). Go to tab “Save” (it should be ticked). Enter the file name and location on your computer where you want to save the image. Change Format to PNG, checked “Alpha Channel”. In tab “Options” uncheck “Default Light” and close this window.
Step 12
Everything is ready and we can already create the first picture! Go to Render > Render to Picture Viewer… The picture begins to be created from the center. Do not close this window and wait until it is ready. Depending on the characteristics of your computer will depend on the time of creation. But I think it will not take more than a few minutes. Do not be alarmed if the background is the background. In the finished image will remain only cubes.
That’s all! Your cubes are ready and you can use it. If you would like to download final output, you can find it here. I have created also a tutorial on how to use the cubes in art and how you can create amazing photo manipulation – you will find out in our next tutorial: Create dynamic photo manipulation in Photoshop.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and you could find it useful. Thank you very much for taking the time to study this tutorial! I wish all lucked in your future achievements! More of my work can be found on my pages Facebook, Deviantart, Behance. I am open to suggestions and cooperation! With best wishes!
Tip: If you are looking for resources we recommended visiting site.
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