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Blender as Compositing-Tool

“Blender as Compositing-Tool” by Berthold Grünhagen
In the ADD-menu also other MIX-procedures like Multiply, Darken, Difference can be choosen. Test your settings during compositing by pushing RENDER-button or look at your BACKDROP if activated. Are all your passes loaded in the node-network, you will have something this:

In addition you can see an AO-pass and nodes for RGB, HUE saturation and bright/contrast. If you have an alpha-relevant pass like the Shadow-pass, combine it by Alpha-Over. In this way the alpha-information gets in your compositing. Our network looks a bit confusing but Blender is able to group nodes. Therefore mark the nodes you want to group (<shift> leftclick) then CTRL+G and ENTER. Notice that you group nodes which are image-nodes as our input-passes! Otherwise you can’t see important value-settings anymore! In the final we have a node-network which can manage simple compositing-tasks.

In the RENDER-settings at the bottom of Blender you can set the file-type (f.e. jpg, tif) for your rendering. The easiest way to get your result is to click on ANIM! Blender renders your compositing and puts it into it’s temporary folder. Normaly it’s c:\tmp . I hope this is an interesting introduction to Blender as compositing tool. In the following part of this tutorial I will show you how to use Blender for compositing an image-sequence for getting a clip!

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